The Algorithm Series: Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Anytime I write about digital rights management (DRM), I m reminded that the opinions around codec or format wars are simple skirmishes compared to the strong feelings the term DRM evokes. On the one hand, there s the fact that many consumers despise DRM. And not just consumers who are bent on piracy. During my international travels, I can t tell you the number of complaints I ve overheard from parents who download several movies for their children to watch during a long-haul flight, only to have geofencing (restrictions around geographies), 24-hour time constraints, or some other form of rights management impede their ability to pacify their children.
The Algorithm Series: Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Anytime I write about digital rights management (DRM), I m reminded that the opinions around codec or format wars are simple skirmishes compared to the strong feelings the term DRM evokes. On the one hand, there s the fact that many consumers despise DRM. And not just consumers who are bent on piracy. During my international travels, I can t tell you the number of complaints I ve overheard from parents who download several movies for their children to watch during a long-haul flight, only to have geofencing (restrictions around geographies), 24-hour time constraints, or some other form of rights management impede their ability to pacify their children.