just hours ago, the new house speaker, mike johnson, unveiled his plan to keep the government funded. it is a two-step approach, funding some parts of the government until january. others through february. this new plan does not include spending cuts, nor additional military aid to israel. this untested strategy also serves as a major first test for speaker johnson, who has -limited experience with budget battles. he s already getting pushback from his own caucus. texas congressman chip roy saying, today, quote, it s 100% clean and i 100% oppose. nbc confirms roy is one of three republicans already saying no deal. meanwhile, the white house calls this plan, quote, recipe up plan for more republican chaos and more shot down. house republicans wasting precious time with an un-serious proposal that has been panned but members of both parties. nbc news capitol hill correspondent, julie tsirkin, has more. hey, alicia. six days ahead of next friday s government shutdown, deadline