mouths of those who have been accused of never having told it. ellie is there any chance that fox would have to admit guilt or make some sort of public apology? as part of this deal that can absolutely be part of a negotiated settlement agreement ? the reporting has been that dominion was very interested in getting some sort of statement from fox. no matter what, though, jake, i think it s really important to know dominion has done its job here. even with this settlement, what they have done is a valuable public service and a couple respects. first of all, they got a pretrial ruling from the judge that foxes report. was false. the judge found that the evidence here was so strong that as a matter of law, fox s coverage was false. the only disputed evidence was going to be. was it knowingly false? the other thing is dominion by going through the discovery process here has exposed the lies behind foxes reporting because of dominion undertaking this lawsuit. that s why we ve seen sean hann
you will never be able to recoup over a period of time. it seemed that the bulk of their claim had to do with the latter of it. not only the idea that we re going to lose is business, but that they had taken such a fatal blow to their integrity. there are actual counties as you know, we ve covered here on cnn that shows no longer to use dominion because of the allegations that were present and unfounded and that took a hit at an exponential level, so likely it s based on that. but as as ellie talked about juries have a mind of their own and when they believe that actual malice is involved, which could have resulted here, then you could have an even a significant 12. a different tune. what that number is, we might never know and also let s talk about the court of public opinion here. listen we all leaned in when we heard about these text messages we wanted to know about this. the idea of cash. what would this spectacle look like? and the irony that truth would actually be on trial and b
fact checker later on a different bride. catherine some point in the future. try to say well, actually, here s an alternate reality or the truth, as many of us know it. that doesn t mean you didn t either earlier, defame someone, so this is what happens and many, many trials across the country all the time that once the reality of a jury of 12 deciding the fate to the tune of, well a billion or more in this case, suddenly the party say, you know what? let s be more reasonable. ellie um, there s so fox does this not infrequently. they paid tens of millions of dollars when it came to settling sexual harassment and assault lawsuits reportedly against bill o. reilly there was a big lawsuit being threatened, or at least some sort of out of state settled out of court settlement was reached with the family of seth rich. and a lot of the details of those settlements. we just do not know the public does not know. will we learn the details of this settlement? if
some knowing disregard or recklessness regard for the truth. this has a price tag with it, and it has a looming one. and as ellie said, i m going to interrupt right now. i m sorry because i m told the dominion lawyers are about to speak. let s listen in. would you like, please? please, just for us. appreciate it. thank you. justin nelson from suspend godfrey. proud council for dominion voting systems. the truth matters lies have consequences. over two years ago. a torrent of lies, swept