Bully’s Pantry is opening a free vending machine in the Colvard Student Union full of essentials to aid Mississippi State University students experiencing financial and food insecurity. All students must do to use the vending machine is swipe their student ID. Located under the south staircase nearest to the Drill Field, it will be stocked.
Bully’s Pantry is opening a free vending machine in the Colvard Student Union full of essentials to aid Mississippi State University students experiencing financial and food insecurity. All students must do to use the vending machine is swipe their student ID. Located under the south staircase nearest to the Drill Field, it will be stocked.
As the holidays are approaching, Mississippi State is lending a helping hand to its students. MSU's Student Body Association has been collecting donations for Bully's Pantry.
Bully’s Pantry is opening a free vending machine in the Colvard Student Union full of essentials to aid Mississippi State University students experiencing financial and food insecurity.
Editor s note: This story is featured in OU Daily s fall magazine, which will be available in print in mid-October. Check out the other featured stories at the bottom of this