Concert venue. One Aviation Fuel tank was hit, that fuel tank is along the airports western perimeter. From our calculation its about 766 yards away from the gunmans position at the mandalay bay hotel. He fired first, they believe hefired first at that fuel tank before he fired at the concert venue, that fooul tank we believe is 766 yards away from his position. The spokesmans for the airport tell us two rifle rounds did hit the fuel tank and one over the rounds went inside the tank but did not cause any explosion. The spokesman reiterating that gun shots do not ignite jet fuel, so it did not cause an explosion. That was a 43,000 barrel tank, john, this shooter took aim at before he fired on the concert venue. A source telling us about a note found in the room, it contains only numbers, not letters or words. Theyre analyzing that tonight, only numbers on that note no letters or word according to our source. We now know about the timeline lieding up to the shooting, what do you know abo