When Roe fell, an abortion clinic moved from Tennessee to Virginia, desperate to keep providing care. Facing hostile landlords, a local anti-abortion ordinance, and a volatile political climate, the staff isn't backing down.
Athenree Homestead back to former glory
29 Apr, 2021 01:22 AM
4 minutes to read
TECT chairman Bill Holland cuts the ribbon to open the final stage of the Athenree Homestead to complete the restoration.
TECT chairman Bill Holland cuts the ribbon to open the final stage of the Athenree Homestead to complete the restoration.
Bay of Plenty Times
By: Chris Steel
The historical landmark Athenree Homestead has risen from the ruins and is finally back to how it was 140 years ago when it was first built by Irish settlers Hugh and Adela Stewart in 1879.
Forty years ago concerned residents in the area formed a trust to restore the home to its original state.