PHILADELPHIA – The City of Philadelphia has denied that it committed discriminatory conduct against a Black female officer, who alleged she was subjected to discriminatory treatment by her superiors through her being reassigned on two occasions and the removal of her service weapon for more than four years.
PHILADELPHIA – A Philadelphia police officer who alleged that as an African-American female, she was subjected to discriminatory treatment by her superiors through her being reassigned on two occasions and the removal of her service weapon for more than four years, is now seeking a default judgment in her favor.
PHILADELPHIA – After a jury ordered the City of Philadelphia to pay a total of $1 million to a pair of female, former Philadelphia police officers, who claimed they were the longtime targets of harassment and discrimination in a federal court lawsuit – counsel for the officers has further won more than $800,000 in attorney’s fees and costs, and the defense’s request for a new trial has been denied.
PHILADELPHIA – After a jury ordered the City of Philadelphia to pay a total of $1 million to a pair of female, former Philadelphia police officers, who claimed they were the longtime targets of harassment and discrimination in a federal court lawsuit, counsel for the officers are now seeking more than $800,000 in attorney’s fees and costs.
PHILADELPHIA – After a trial lasting one week, a jury has ordered the City of Philadelphia to pay a total of $1 million to a pair of female, former Philadelphia police officers, who claimed they were the longtime targets of harassment and discrimination in a federal court lawsuit.