example, i think gary hart s scandal 1987 hit him so hard because he was the moral crusader against ronald reagan. even though it didn t have anything to do with government, it sullied him and undercut him. i think that really is the risk with elizabeth warren too, as clair brought up, that she paints herself, she describes herself as a sort of moral crusader. you ve heard other people on the debate stage actually complain about the fact saying elizabeth, you know, just because we re not doing it your way doesn t mean we re any less, you know, morally righteous. and so when you have that and then you have these concerns about, again, her possibly being hypocritical, it seems to cut her even more as a candidate and hurt her campaign all the more. she does seem to have a tremendous talent for self-righteousness and hypocrisy
biden and is going to go after wall street. i think that s what we are seeing here. i want to remind you guys that in terms of the popular spirit of america on the left of the right right now, i don t think any billionaire is going to do that well. this is the second building eric. tom steyer and now bloomberg in the democratic race. the rich pay more taxes? good idea. why is the system rig for the rich? jesse colin joe biden had some words for the entry to the race. welcome to the race. michael is a solid guy. let s see where it goes. i have no problem with him getting in the race. in terms of he s running because of me? i looked at the polls, i m pretty far ahead. jesse: what do you think of that? speak when he s playing it safe and he s walked back some comments about elizabeth warren too. what i think it shows is the
idea that liz warren might beat biden and is going to go after wall street. i think that s what we are seeing here. i want to remind you guys that in terms of the popular spirit of america on the left of the right right now, i don t think any billionaire is going to do that well. this is the second building eric. tom steyer and now bloomberg in the democratic race. the rich pay more taxes? good idea. why is the system rig for the rich? jesse colin joe biden had some words for the entry to the race. welcome to the race. michael is a solid guy. let s see where it goes. i have no problem with him getting in the race. in terms of he s running because of me? i looked at the polls, i m pretty far ahead. jesse: what do you think of that? speak when he s playing it safe and he s walked back some comments about elizabeth warren
24 hours. there has been a lot. as we just heard, the president flatly admitted on the south lawn that he wants ukraine and now china added in to look into the bidens. he just said it. msnbc reports that president trump suggested in a call with chinese president xi in june that beijing should investigate biden. he reportedly mentioned elizabeth warren too. white house record of that conversation went into the secret vault where that ukraine call lives, according to that report. a pair of trump s envoys drafted a statement for ukraine s president to commit to investigating biden, that s according to the new york times, they just put it in writing in a statement. former ambassador kurt volker testified yesterday before multiple house committees and reportedly revealed that he told giuliani the biden story was a dud and rudy was getting bad information. and the wall street journal reports that the u.s. ambassador from ukraine was pulled from the country because she would not push the tr
transcript or some hard evidence, i very much doubt it at this point but the media would have to look into it to find out. some optics and questions that need to be explained. we watch and see as the vice president says there is no there there. any additional digging when peter schweitzer starts reporting and digging there may be more to this. may be good news for elizabeth warren too. michael pillsbury, always enjoy you coming to see us, thanks for coming in. fireworks on capitol hill over guns and whether democrats will back confiscation. this woman says she will not comply if they do, next. it s my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke. woman: what?! vo: .i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. woman: hi! vo: with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield. then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! woman: safelite has s