norah. o donnell: imtiaz, thank you. now to politics and the sixth and final debate of this year, democrats sparred over wealthy donors and wine caves, and the narrow field aimed their fire at a new target. ed o keefe is in marina delray, california. reporter: the morning after cing attacks from rivals at the debate, mayor pete buttigeig found a friendlier audience. te that was great last night. reporter: buttigieg was blasted by senator elizabeth warren for holding high-dollar fundraisers at venues like a california wine cellar with chandeliers full of swarovski ulystals. billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next senator toesident of the united states. reporter: senator amy klobuchar questioned his experience. we should have someone heading up this ticket that has actually won and been able to show they port that you talk saboucat.upn ga reperorter: t they re going r buttigieg because he s leading il iowa and surging in new ngmpshire while warren is stipping a
struggling to break through. yes, he, right now is doing well in iowa, but so am i. ds reporter: as the year ends, former vice president joe biden remains near the top. the president has to be able to unite. reporter: he emerged unscathed from the debate, where he shared how he counsels other people who, like him, were born with a stutter. a little kid who says i i i i can t talk. what do i do? i have scores of these young tmen and men who i keep in contact with. reporter: a swipe on twitter from former white house press secretary sarah sanders who mocked biden s answer. she later deleted the tweet and cologized. we should point out that as a senate candidate, warren held biivate fundraisers with big- dollar donors. speak of money, bernie sanders, amy klobuchar, and andrew yang are all touting their fund raising from small-dollar donors over the last few days. l o donnell: there is outrage tonight from the family of a toild rape victim, after matt bevin, former governor