In “Entangled Pasts: Art, Colonialism and Change review – the most radical show in the RA’s history,” Laura Cumming (The Guardian) writes, “Royal Academy, London: The latest institution to confront its colonial past, the RA does so to enthralling effect, using the art and its subjects – spanning 250 years, from Turner to Lubaina Himid…
Jo Lawson-Tancred (Artnet) reviews “Entangled Pasts: Art, Colonialism and Change”–presently on view at the Royal Academy in London through April 28, 2024. She writes, “Works by a Frank Bowling, Kerry James Marshall, and Lubaina Himid are shown alongside historical paintings a documents that reveal the academy's own historically white bias.” Shown above is the installation view…
The latest institution to confront its colonial past, the RA does so to enthralling effect, using the art and its subjects – spanning 250 years, from Turner to Lubaina Himid – rather than the wall texts to shock and enlighten