for a story on autonomous vehicles. as we drove in a semiautonomous car, i asked dr. elizabeth phelps who discoveries motion at nyu. what happens when you have a first death from something line this makes the headlines? she mediciade an important poin we don t hear about car accidents, you know? we don t hear about everyday car accidents that often but they happen all the time. they are not in our minds because it s a part of driving and it s a part of everyday life. once we realize that humans and machines can have mistakes even though there will be mistakes and less often than human error, we will get more comfortable with it. i want to bring in alex who is a senior associate editor at wire magazine. your take on what she said there. should we be alarmed about these kind of crashes or do we put them in perspective in sense that there are so many thousands that occur every year with human
powerful organ in the body, responsible for all of our most powerful emotions. that s why as david said, we have a more positive narrative towards the end of the week. the guys were caught, you know. the one was killed, one was brought in. that s a positive narrative. the narrative of the medical responders, that was a great story for the public to watch because those stories trigger more positive emotions. the fear emotion releases stress hormones, adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisone. they can wear you down. they create what i have written about and call a cycle of worry. you ask the question about can anyone get ptsd, not just the people involved. i want to talk about that for a minute. in boston first there s the people that were involved in the event. they got injured or they were right there when the bombs went off. that s the inner circle. then there s the rest of the city that went on lockdown for a couple of weeks. then there s the rest of us watching these images on tv. do yo
0 they do believe he is going to make it. that was something, not only important for them to do that because that is what we do in this society but important because of this investigation. last night we were told he was being brought here for treatment. we weren t too far behind the ambulance. as you made your way through boston, you could see many of the businesses reopened. you saw restaurants and bars reopened. at one point there was a small college and 500 students had gone into the streets and blocked off all four lanes cheering, holding signs and as first responders and medical teams came through that had nothing to do theoretically with this gun battle last night, they cheered them as well. a lot of cars had to go around. it was quite an interesting night last night as boston started to recover. at the same time this scene unfolded here with the suspect inside being treated. brian: they aren t canceling red sox games anymore. we know three other people have been taken into cust