This week on Open Air, KALW’s radio magazine for the performing arts in Times of Corona, we feature an excerpt from the Central Works audio play Bystanders
Premiered November 26 | Watch on HBO Max
The Big Bang Theory and her Priceline pitchman persona in favor of something a little more daring and fun. She stars in this miniseries as Cassie, a hard-partying flight attendant who jumps into a one-night stand in Bangkok with a hunk (Michiel Huisman) and wakes up next to his freshly murdered corpse. What follows is a dark comedy that doubles as a murder mystery as Cuoco s character tries to piece together what happened, evade authorities, and find the murderer. And even though you ll bang your head over Cassie s decisions and inability to play it cool at all, the slick show is too fun to stop watching.