Circuit Arts’ Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is breaking new ground on March 21 at the MVRHS Performing Arts Center with what promises to be a memorable, live, full-length multimedia work. “The Forgotten Kingdom” will be performed by the Guy Mendilow Ensemble, which presents pieces that explore real-world tales of choices people make in times of […]
where her little remains were found. to the point that it became a problem. . and the local community here had the county go out to put up no parking signs. i see that jose baez and attorney stems and cheney mason all getting ready to sit down and address us. cheney mason is the veteran lawyer among the team. jose baez is not as experienced, and in fact, he did not have the credentials to handle a death penalty case when cheney mason came in. people are walking up to the cameras. i m dorothy stems and i m thankful for today s verdict on behalf of casey anthony. and on behalf of all of the people who stand behind me, and i would ask them to name their names, please. coreen. william. michelle ma dena. elizabeth friar. janine.