[inaudible] great to be back here at gw. I want to thank president leblanc for welcoming all of us. Our family loves coming here. We were just talking backstage that both my husband and chelsea as well as myself have been here numerous times on this stage, bill and i speaking, chelsea dancing while she was on the ballet. I dont know why you all laugh. I was never a star. [laughter] its great being here and always great to be with you. I feel like weve done this in various combinations and its always fun and such an honor for me. First i just want to thank you on behalf of womankind for this book. I was saying to them ahead of time its a frustration tonight is going to be that we can only talk about so many of them. Not nearly the range we would want to, we could, we could stay for a week and talk about all of them. Its an amazing book, its so important to have the stories of so many women in one place. We will talk about that in a second. We should get going because we dont have a ton
The statuesque blonde was spotted standing at the deli counter of Gelson s supermarket in California, talking on her cell phone while she waited to be helped.