day-to-day behavior as does a minimum of 20 to 25 years of watching movies and cop shows before you ever go into a police training classroom. and there has never been the movie about the cop who plays it by the book and is a great cop because he plays it by the book. hollywood does not train our cops with that story. and so there will be, of course, calls for more training. but training and police work, has to work, has to be 100% perfect, as it does with airline pilots. we do not accept the idea that airline pilot training can be, you know, 90% effective and there is just 10% of them who just don t get it. that is not the way it works when life and death is involved. and it should not be the way it works with police work, where we know, once again, that police training does not work. yeah. i think the best example of that is this officer who is was most recently relieved of duty
it? and what has happened is, with this current policing model, they are running out of options. so, the answer to everything is to create one of these units and call it elite. i remember, many years ago, when all of a sudden the than street crime unit, which were referred to as jump out boys in my lingo, all of a sudden became elite after some horrific killings they were involved in. but that is the typical, lazy police response, as opposed to looking for a more holistic and substantive manner in which to combat crime and move towards providing a public safety model. radley balko, we are looking at another case in which police training did not work. and police training simply does not work. calls for more training to not work. that s for many, many reasons, including what marq calls toxic police culture, which has a much stronger impact on
catch them, lock them up, throw away the key. they cannot even quantify what success is. is it a number of arrests you make? because, if you just want to add an arrest, is that really success? is it reducing the number of reports for criminal activity that is made? what is success? and how well do you define? it and what has happened is, with this current policing model, they are running out of options. so, the answer to everything is to create one of these units and call it a leak. i remember, many years ago, when all of a sudden the than street crime unit, which were referred to as jump out boys in modern lingo, all of a sudden became elite after some horrific killings they were involved in. but that is the typical, lazy police response, as opposed to looking for a more holistic and substantive manner in which to combat crime and move towards
providing a public safety model. radley balko, we are looking at another case in which police training did not work. and police training simply does not work. calls for more training to not work. for many, many reasons, including what marq calls toxic police culture, which has a much stronger impact on day-to-day behavior that does a minimum of 20 to 25 years of watching movies and cop shows before you ever go into a police training classroom. and there has never been the movie about the cop who plays it by the book and is a great cop because he plays it by the book. hollywood does not train our cops with that story. and so there will be, of course, calls for more training. but training and police work, to work, has to be 100% perfect, as it does with airline pilots. we do not accept the idea that airline pilot training can be, you know, 90% effective and
van turner, said this. you don t have to be trained to be a decent human being. you don t have to go through public procedures to know a man that is sitting there, slumping down, that you have got to render aid to him, so that he can live. i m not a police officer and i know that! and tyre nichols s brother said this. my brother was the most peaceful person ever and he has never lifted a finger to anybody. he has never raised his voice to nobody. if my brother was here today, and he had to say something, he would tell us to do this peacefully. the new york times is reporting that, as usual, in cases like this, the written police report of the incident does not match what we see on video. the new york times reports, the police report written hours after officer s beat tyre nichols was starkly at odds with what videos have since your field, making no mention of the powerful kicks and