and she has fainted before. jesse: she has fainted before. jesse: she is a fainter. this happened to her before. she is a courageous woman for getting on tv every day and knowing she could faint at any moment. jesse: a lot of people are hoping you sometimes faint and hit your head when you are doing the broadcast. i think my wife is the number one. i know she is watching. i m just kidding. jesse: tell her not to use so much seasoning next time. jesse: we have a window. jesse: take a look at this. again, we got a major update in the primetime madness. the nicknames are coming in hot. we re getting texts all around the clock, if you can see the elite 8 we have mini number one seed took down crooked. the giggling wick can the other advanced in the region. pauly p. a strong showing probably wipe the floor with dugy not so fresh. sticky sammy ahead of the