then later he huddled with the foreign minster and then they just wrapped up about a one-hour meeting in annest to get diplomatic track going. they wanted to sit down from britain, france and germany and try to get the process going and get the monitors on the ground. we are told that secretary kerry is in the french foreign ministry meeting with others. the ukrainian minster in the building while these try to get something going. nothing yet, but it could be a long night. elise u talk to us about these two men. is it normally pretty productive? in some ways it is and some ways it isn t. they have a good relationship and they are able to sit down
a russian reaction, but it doesn t look like they are at the stage unless we are surprised that they will resolve this. i want to listen to the sign that there is at least life in a diplomatic solution and soon. the other point i would make it this. while they are talking in paris, there a lot of angry people and armed men on the ground. you saw that flair up today with the un envoy getting forced out at gunpoint. yesterday we saw a ukrainian and russian troop face off and warning shots fired in the air. it s a volatile mix of forces. the diplomats can t solve the problem and someone gets hurt. room for error and it can escalate. thank you and thanks as well to elise traveling with secretary kerry in paris. again, secretary kerry is scheduled to speak soon. we will bring you his remarks live once he begins. we are also waiting for president obama. he is set to speak in