March 1, 2021
Jennifer Sarah Blakeslee, by her own admission, has “a propensity for weird animals.”
The Beacon resident says this nonchalantly, which is less surprising when you learn she keeps snails as pets she gushes over them on Facebook and says her favorite creature is the turkey vulture.
She acquired the snails after reading
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, by Elisabeth Tova Bailey, which had been recommended by a friend. It tells the story of a woman who was bedridden and isolated for months and found solace in a garden snail kept in a tank nearby.
“The way it was written pierced through my inability to focus [because of the ongoing pandemic] and I was enchanted by this notion of just this one tiny organism coming to symbolize so much,” Blakeslee says.
January 29, 2021 in Film, Lifestyle
Of the eight Oscar qualified short films showcased, six were animated and each brought their own unique narratives to the virtual screen. Vincent Leo | Daily Trojan.
As a celebration of the diverse stories that filmmaking as a platform provides, the 2021 Oscar qualified shorts showcase took place over Zoom Tuesday night. Following the screenings, a Q&A was hosted by Outside the Box [Office] with some of the talented filmmakers behind these masterful stories.
The creators of all but one short dove deeper into the history behind their films and the personal connections they have to their works, bringing a new level of appreciation for how arduous their labors of love were for them to create.