pressure on pelospelosi. the long-time house democratic leader holding a press conference with medical providers on the senate republican plan to repeal obamacare, that s happening right now. this as members of her own party calling for her ouster following big losses in four straight house races. should she be confident she s got the support to stay house democratic leader? if you had a pre-existing condition, no longer would you be discriminated in your access to health care. it said if you were a student or worker you could stay on your parent s policy until 26 years old. i say these things because it s important to know what we are losing when we go down the path they are putting forth. me to the moon
the headline here as you understand it regarding the senate bill? the headline is it s a popular bill because it s a bad bill. it will force people to pay much more for their premiums out-of-pocket. it hits the lowest income people through the medicaid cuts and it s a huge tax break for higher income people. people are realizing the content and opposing it. steve, one of the things that seems striking to me is, it would seem to me this is a fundamental reshaping of one of this country s oefdeldest and largest safety nets, medicare. we re talking a dramatic transformation it s the largest safety net. medicaid takes care of some 73 million people, that s more than medicare, more than any safety net program you can think of by a lot. the idea that in nevada for
that has nothing to do with obamacare. if you wanted to fix the cost of health care, there would be something in this bill about controlling the cost of prescription drugs, as an example. i started sifting these things, 142 pages. it haven t had time to go through the whole thing. there s a section where they talk about repealing certain taxes, the tanning tax, health insurance tax. the net investment tax i don t know if you ve seen it yet, either of that. this is section 23 excuse me section 119, line 23. it talks about the internal revenue code of 1986 amended, blah, blah, blah. the amendment made should apply to taxable years after december 31st, 2016. this is a het tomorrretroactive gains tax. that s right. that s what they re doing. the only repeal they re doing are the taxes on the rich. that s the only thing they re doing.
lives at home, is shecky on her feet. she needs help preparing her meals or taking her bath, but her only income is her social security check. right now medicaid helps pay for home and community based services so she can stay in her home. someone who comes by to help for a few hours a week, and because of that help, she gets to stay home, to live independently. but the republicans are determined to we have been listening to massachusetts senator elizabeth warren talking specifically about the medicare cuts in this bill. the bill becoming public roughly two hours ago. response since then has been fast. it has been furious. we saw the protests outside senator mitch mcconnell s office. a number of folks arrested, some literally carried away. again, senator warren on the floor with an impassioned
they were working for. this bill has one flashing neon sign after another, telling us who the republican party tells about, and it is not american families. the senate bim is crammed full with just as many tax cuts as the house bill, tax cuts for millionaires and billionaire, tax cuts for wealthy investments, tax cuts for giant companies. all those tax cuts don t come cheap. they start to add up after awhile. so senate republicans had to make a choice, how to pay for all those juicy tax cuts for their rich buddies. i tell you how, blood money. senate republicans rung extra dollars out of kicking people out of tax credits that helped them avenue ford health insurance. reaped in extra cash by allowing states to drop more protection and benefits like maternity