Emmett Hanger: Update on 2021 Virginia General Assembly work
Published Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021, 10:05 am
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Emmett Hanger
“Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.” That famous line from the “Wizard of Oz” is quite apt for what our 2021 Session is like this year under COVID restrictions and precautions.
We have just hit our halfway point of this short session with our Crossover Day work. Actually, I think it is going quite well despite the challenges. Citizens and lobbyists are cramming our inboxes with useful information and input, staff are working dutifully to triage all critical information to us, and our technical glitches have been few and far between so far. It is not ideal and certainly not the same as a face-to-face session but the very long days and super fast pace remains. Ask any sta