Earlier this morning, my laptop, which had developed a suspicious hump in the centre of the keyboard, as if all of the mechanical parts were congregating under the letters f to j and taking a vote to strike, dramatically informed me that it had encountered a 'fatal error' and would restart. They were the last words it communicated to me (though I retain hope that the CGD IT staff can do some computer voodoo to reanimate it). I'm writing this from my personal laptop, which is not hooked up to my tab of links on my work laptop because I don't like my devices to talk to each other lest they collude against me, so a pre-emptive apology for to any brilliant writers whose links I'm omitting having read and loved and to readers for any pearls of wisdom or geekery they miss out on.
This week's links include industrial policy in Poland and Malaysia, a theoretical development conference, temporary wage subsidies in Mexico, and more.
This blog is a biweekly feature highlighting recent working papers from around the World Bank Group. It introduces four papers published from November 16 to November 30 on various topics, including wage incentives, loan flexibilization, and women empowerment.