Did you hear that Monotype has released an A.I.-driven font pairing tool? We like this idea too. In honor of streamlined typeface-selection (and Valenti…
Joseph Sheppard
Special to The Citizen
The Auburn Enlarged City School District is a diverse district within a community rich in history and culture. Though the Auburn school district already embraces its diverse makeup, we admit there is much work that still must be done. To address this, we have recently begun to take the steps necessary to take an inward look at ourselves as a district as a whole and truly hone in on diversity, equity and inclusion within our schools.
In July, the districtâs board of education revamped the Strategic Planning Committee, shifting its focus toward diversity, equity and inclusion. This committee is made up of three board members: Dr. Eli Hernández, Dr. Rhoda Overstreet-Wilson and myself (Joe Sheppard). We began the work of establishing a long-range strategic plan focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. To assist with the creation of this plan, a Diversity Task Force was established and made up of district employees who are i