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Delhi s Mata Chanan Devi Hospital runs out of oxygen supply
Mata Chanan Devi Hospital in Delhi is running out of oxygen supply since today morning, news agency ANI reported. Dr AC Shukla, ICU Head, told ANI that oxygen supply was exhausted in morning. The hospital is based in Janakpuri area.
The report said that more than 200 patients are undergoing treatment and need oxygen. We have been constantly following up with the companies and authorities since last night. Please urgently look into this matter. This is very serious, Shukla told ANI.
Several hospitals in the national capital have reported an acute shortage of medical oxygen amid worsening COVID-19 situation. There has seen a surge in the demand for medical oxygen and beds for the COVID-19 patients. Availability of oxygen is a key element in the treatment of certain medical conditions in the Covid infection.