The Gail Borden Public Library in Elgin is offering "Family Holiday Fun!," including a Winter Dance Party, Holiday Posada, Gingerbread House Workshop and more.
How you can celebrate Earth Day 2021 across the suburbs
Some Earth Day events incorporate restoration and planting activities. Brian Hill | Staff Photographer
Show a little love for Mother Nature.
She s always been there to sustain us, and she s been a source of comfort and peace especially during the pandemic, when outdoor pursuits such as gardening, hiking and biking helped keep us sane.
Earth Day is Thursday, April 22, and there are plenty of local events celebrations, concerts, educational programs, cleanups, workdays, recycling to mark the occasion.
Friday, April 16
COD Music Fridays @ Noon: Noon Friday, April 16, online at Alumni Spotlight featuring singer, songwriter, educator Louise Kelly performing her own music as she celebrates Earth Day and shares her story. Free.
By Nikki Montgomery
“Where’d You Go, Bernadette” by Maria Semple
Published: August 2012 by Little, Brown & Company
Genres: Novel, Humorous Fiction, Domestic Fiction
“Where’d You Go, Bernadette” by Maria Semple spent a year on the New York Times Best Seller list and I’m not surprised. It is narrated by Bernadette Fox’s daughter Bee Branch and was written in such a unique way as a combination of letters, emails, memos, transcripts and the occasional interlude from Bee.
The character development in this story is stellar and the way the story unfolds is perfection.
Bernadette Fox is a bit of a shut in after some tough circumstances in her life and while her husband, Elgin Branch, is patient and understanding, at first, certain events change his perspective. Bernadette’s best friend is her daughter Bee Branch and Bee loves her mother more than anything and views her quirkiness as fun and lovable.