The manifesto said: The Green Party believes that local authorities and communities are far better at dealing with health and other crises than national governments and their favoured contractors. A Green administration would seek approval for major projects and policies from the director of public health and encourage the department to play a more independent and proactive role than it currently does, by seeking its advice on how policy changes might improve public health. After the pandemic, a Green administration would also prioritise mental health, particularly for children in schools, with a review of what measures would improve child mental health and support for open-air schooling such as that provided by forest schools.
The manifesto said: The Green Party believes that local authorities and communities are far better at dealing with health and other crises than national governments and their favoured contractors. A Green administration would seek approval for major projects and policies from the director of public health and encourage the department to play a more independent and proactive role than it currently does, by seeking its advice on how policy changes might improve public health. After the pandemic, a Green administration would also prioritise mental health, particularly for children in schools, with a review of what measures would improve child mental health and support for open-air schooling such as that provided by forest schools.