things, not released things. every one of these things, we have a camera, for goodness sake, every single person who enters trump tower, you see them go up, come down, they talk to the press. having a camera in the elevator bank of trump tower does not negate conflict of interest. at some point the level of transparency exceeded any modern president in terms of who s involved that s not true. who else? have you ever seen there s a level of transparency that relates to his businesses. there are so man questions because we have not seen his tax returns and i know we never will. i know we never will. don t claim he s the most transparent president-elect of all time. i did not say that. i said this process. again, you keep trying to i said the process. every person we have a call every morning, talk about who he s meeting with, they come down, we can see them go in and out. he talked to everyone that s been involved in transition process. he listed everyone on his family
i think this well could be it. another day of transition team speed dating over at trump tower, as donald trump again met with people he s considering for top admin positions. the politicians, business leaders, and other job seekers have caused a media frenzy in the gilded fifth avenue skyscraper lobby. c-span has a live feed of trump s gold elevator bank if you have nothing to do at night, and reporters are camped out like teenagers waiting for a midnight showing of a twilight movie. today s casting call included south carolina governor, nikki haley, former secretary of state, henry kissinger, congressman jeb hensarling, and judge janine piero. i think basically before or right after thanksgiving is probably more appropriate in terms of that. and we ve looked at where past administrations have been also, and we feel like we re right on target, right on time for all of that. in 2000, the country went to thanksgiving without knowing who the president was.
a lot of people were having parties in their room. we heard them. okay. so you what we re understanding now, we re get a report, was that it was the 20th floor where the party started. so when you saw some sort of smoke or fire, was that on the ground floor? where was that that you saw? no, no, it was up alevle. it was up. it wasn t on the ground floor level. i don t know if it was the 20th floor, but it was the start of where the rooms are because there were balconies and there were terraces. what floor to the balconies and the terraces start on, about? i don t know, to be honest with you. i think it s like 16. because one elevator bank was from 6 to 16 and then i think 16 and up is where it starts. i don t know. i don t want to give you information that s not right. okay, maha, stay with me. i just want to talk about some of the pictures we re seeing right now on cnn. these are people being evacuated
crashed into the world trade center here in new york city just a few moments ago. the elevator came to a stop on the 78th floor. the doors opened and i jumped out. i still remember this. i very calmly took my bag, put it at the side of the main elevator bank thinking that i would come back to get it later. and started to look for the fire exit. people in the other tower felt the plane s impact. my office is in the basement level of number two trade center. i felt the shock, actually knocked by coffee to the floor and i proceeded over to one world trade center to assist in the evacuation and rescue. from his office in tower two, 24-year-old brad fetchet called his father. dad, i want you to not be worried. i want to remind you i m in tower two, not tower one. they are telling us things are okay. my husband asked brad to call
burning my hands, arms, and legs in the process. we have a breaking news story to tell you about. apparently a plane has just crashed into the world trade center here in new york city just a few moments ago. the elevator came to a stop on the 78th floor. the doors opened, and i jumped out. i still remember this. i very calmly toy bag, put it at the side of the main elevator bank thinking that i would come back to get it later. and started to look for the fire exit. people in the other tower felt the plane s impact. my office is in the basement level of number two trade center. i felt the shock, actually knocked my coffee to the floor, and i proceeded over to one world trade center to assist in the evacuation and rescue. from his office in tower two, 24-year-old brad fetchet called his father. dad, i want you to not be