Introduction One of the important characteristics of the current situation in the field of international relations (IR) in China is an ongoing discussion since late 1980s about the advisability of creating a China-specific IR theory. Proponents of Sinicization claim that contemporary IR theory is based on Western values and, consequently, is incapable of adequately explaining the distinctive nature of the involvement of non-Western countries in global processes.[3][4][5] And vice versa, researchers who think that IR theory must be universal see the task of enriching the theory with new ideas as top priority for Chinese scholars.[6][7] These debates in the Chinese academic community immediately became the object of very intense study by Western researchers. The subject has been addressed by Barry Buzan,[8] William Callahan,[9] Linsay Cunningham-Cross,[10] David Shambaugh,[11] A. Korolev,[12] A.D. Voskresenskii,[13] E.N. Grachikov.[14] But most of the papers by these scholars dis