WhatsApp recently revealed "critical" rated security vulnerability affecting its Android app. Telegram founder Pavel Durov takes a dig at WhatsApp and asks users to stay away from the app.
Telegram founder and CEO have yet again released a statement on his official Twitter Channel stating that WhatsApp users are at continuous risk from hackers who might have full access to everything which the user has on the smartphone. Durov also warned WhatsApp users to not share all data on FB.
Don't use whatsapp? Founder of the Telegram App, Pavel Durov has asked people to abstain from using WhatsApp as it has been a surveillance tool for 13 years. “I'm not pushing people to switch to Telegram here. With 700M+ active users and 2M+ daily signups, Telegram doesn't need additional promotion. You can use any messaging app you like, but do stay away from WhatsApp – it
WhatsApp recently revealed "critical" rated security vulnerability affecting its Android app. Telegram founder Pavel Durov takes a dig at WhatsApp and asks users to stay away from the app.