yep. reporter: it s really beautiful ballard s doctors want bionics to give him an arm as close as possible the real thing. real thing, realtime that means tapping into ballard s nervous system, picking up his brain signals, and transmitting them to the motors of his prosthetic arm. think hand open and hand close. and that s as easy as it is. reporter: it looks simple. wow. not really. so how does it work? a revolutionary surgical technique called tmr, or targeted muscle reenervasion. the surgeon took nerves and replanted them in the upper arm, placing electrodes just beneath the skin to pick up the electrical signal. so hand close. so elbow flex. keep your hand on there. reporter: okay. yep.
among the models of camrys being looked at for the sudden acceleration problems, but it has a similar layout. those camrys came along a couple of years later, but can it serve as a basic illustrator of the components under the hood or any modern vehicle this day to be susceptible to electromagnetic interference. dr. pecht, are we talking about the wires here? yes, there is a control unit to control the engine, but all of the wires hook up to the control unit, and the control unit has wires that go back to the engine to control the pespe. and that is inside of the passenger compartment? yes. reporter: and these coils are magnets. exactly. reporter: and they can attract the signals. yes, and those can send out magnetic signals which can affect the various wires an cause a current, electrical signal of the wires and hopefully they would not cause a problem, but under some conditions like powerlines or