Samsung has launched the Galaxy Watch5 in Bangladesh. The smartwatch includes features like sleep tracking, health and wellness monitoring, and Samsung’s BIO-Active Sensor IC. Samsung’s new Galaxy Watch5 is now available at all Samsung stores in Bangladesh.
In late August, Samsung released the company's premium Galaxy Watch5 series in India. It comes in two variants- a standard Galaxy Watch5 and a top-end Galaxy Watch 5 Pro with prices ranging between Rs 27,999 and Rs 49,999. The regular model is an iterative upgrade over its predecessor, but the Pro model is a new range of Samsung premium smart wearable with the better build
Seoul, April 9 (IANS) South Korean tech giant Samsung is reportedly working on its upcoming smartwatch Galaxy Watch5 Pro and it is likely to come with a
South Korean tech giant Samsung is reportedly working on its upcoming smartwatch Galaxy Watch5 Pro and it is likely to come with a huge 572 mAh battery.To put that into context, the biggest Galaxy Watch4 and Classic models have a 361 mAh .
Amazon has slashed the price of the Galaxy Watch4 by up to $90, All variants are on offer and as of writing most colors are available too. The highest discount is for the 42mm LTE version.