martha: who is whining now, nomiki? i think context here donald trump was trying to al you lewd the democrats were rigging election for hillary clinton s favor. martha: no, he was talking about perhaps tampering with election machines and also, but the point the president said it was impossible to do so. you know what? the president was wrong. there was evidence at that point that russia already tampered with two states electoral machines, arizona and illinois. further evidence shown they have done so. fbi concluded that they had enough information to prosecute russian hackers who went into the electoral machines, accessed voter files, not to mention hacked dnc and rnc, which the rnc has not confirmed yet. russia has clearly been meddling with our primary system, our general election system. this is something weç should te very seriously and i don t think we should say partisan things about. martha: going through everything out there, the dni says there isn t enough to connect th