that the vice president s role is purely ministerial. the vice president does no have any discretion to allow o disallow certain electors to recognize certain votes and no others and that s important, becaus it eliminates the human elemen in all of this we were very fortunate tha mike pence, on that day, decided to do the right thing. that may not be the case in th future this reform takes care of that it happened in a bipartisa cooperation. mitch mcconnell signaled month ago that this was important to him as well, and now, it s the law of the land, and hopefully people don t have to worry about this kind of event eve again. doing what you do best, how would you explain th importance of this to th average person i think you have to look at it, like, the electoral coun act was written in the late 18 80s, right so, it s horse somebod language and it s that kind of language that allows some of someon