By Doug Treanor2021-04-21T08:00:00+01:00
It is imperative that we think now about how we prioritise our patients and deliver timely care to maximise safety and minimise risk, writes Doug Treanor
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As we begin to look forward to a return to normality over the summer for our day-to-day activities, the NHS is busy preparing its largest ever recovery programme. For that undertaking to be as successful as the recent vaccination programme, it will need to be underpinned by clear, collated, comprehensive data.
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With 388,000 patients waiting more than a year for non-urgent surgery compared with just 1,600 before the pandemic began, it is imperative that we think now about how we prioritise our patients and deliver timely care to maximise safety and minimise risk. This is a unique opportunity for the NHS to evolve the methodology behind elective care provision based on reliable data to one much more sensitive