Earlier this week, a citizen initiative launched to ask Arizona voters to create an open primary system by eliminating partisan primary elections.The Make Elections Fair Committee filed paperwork on September 18 for a ballot measure that would allow anyone to vote in a primary, regardless of their party affiliation.Another initiative, launched Friday by Better Ballot Arizona,
In the ever-evolving landscape of American democracy, Arizona stands at the crossroads of change with a proposal that could redefine the way we choose our nominees for public office. The
Paperwork filed Monday to the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office would ask voters to create an open primary system for all elections.That system would allow anyone to vote in a primary, regardless of party affiliation. It would also put all candidates from all parties in the same election as opposed to two separate ones like is done now.Political Consultant Chuck Coughlin
In the ever-evolving landscape of American democracy, Arizona stands at the crossroads of change with a proposal that could redefine the way we choose our nominees for public office. The