Chargé d Affaires Minister Yang Xiaoguang Holds an On-line Press Briefing on The Draft Decision of the National People s Congress on Improving the Electoral System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
(From Chinese Embassy in UK)
On 9 March 2021, Chargé d Affaires Minister Yang Xiaoguang held an on-linepress briefing on the draft decision of the National People s Congress on improving the Electoral System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Some 30 journalists from 17 media agencies attended, including BBC, BBC Radio 4, Sky News, Financial Times, The Economist, Xinhua News Agency, People s Daily, CCTV, CGTN, China Daily, Guancha, AP, AFP, RT, Quartz, Phoenix Infonews, Nouvelles d Europe. CGTN broadcasts the press briefing live.
A draft decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was submitted Friday to the fourth annual session of the 13th National People s Congress (NPC) for deliberation.