the biden administration? and then you havame the all thee usual suspects that come up,ncli including jim baker,ng you know, he was he went from the fbi where he was part ofn the russian collusion investigation. con investthen he goes over to . and when some people on twitter say, gosh, i don t know if we have the basis to to censor this story. bakey, bakerr appears and says,, you know what?anted. caution is oncand so, once again, he seems to be at leastf inclined, not eager to see a russian threatjo and in this case, a threat that protected joe biden right before the election. think tyeah, i think that s th, is that they re running out running out the clock now. e e- now, to be fair, the emails that have been put out by matt taibbi indicate that there were some republicans who are makingb these kinds of requests, but also in therli makine you also e rukhsana, a democrat, who even he weighs in with jack dorsey,
much of this objectionable content included graphic images and videos of hunter biden and his laptop from . in fact, twitter employs were so desperate to censor the new york post very real story about hunter s laptop that they even blocked users from sharingy the story through emergency technology. typically usedolog to block the dissemination of child. chi now make no mistake, the level of left wing bias and corruption at twitter, ithel was extreme. this comes on the heels ofew new testimony from a federaldera agent who claims that the fbi held weekly meetings with major tech platforms ahead of ahead the twenty twenty election to , quote, discuss disinformation on social media and ask about efforts to censor that information. in other words, your federalment government was colluding with big tech to shape the outcome of a presidential election. but fo electior some reason, tht administration is doing little to counter the disinform
the response from the employee at twitter saying handle these three .s less than three hours later, right. i look, this is what is i think now confirmed which people in a way, it s hard to believeliev and you don t wantth to believev that this could be occurring.elr but effectively, in this case, twitter. and now we kno ww also in leak,d perhaps with facebook and other conversations regarding the fbi and their conversations, is tha at certain platforms and certainly now twitter, we re acting as agents of the state. and this is what is remarkable. the thing the specific thing apt that sets this nation apartm fromal all the totalitarian rath holes around the world that abuse their people and crush them and have fake elections or no elections is in fact our bill of rights. the fact that the government is not allowed to do certainr things and freedom of right expression, the admonition against the government, you are not allowed to interfere with a right that the american people
eleche fbi was suppressed 20 days before an election. and then listen, i just you want me to talk about the state dinner? it sounds great. undsi have to tell you, jason , i can t i can t let our audience go without talking abou, jat what hillary clinton l about women and comparing women in the united states t woclinto afghanistan and sudan. utterly ridiculous. and she should know better. secretary of state, i ve beene to afghanistan more times than i can count. i wents than i to khartoum, sud, about thirty , thirty two weeks pregnant with my i have held the hands of afghan women as they fought for freedom and in the grossness and the disrespect does. not you have women that aren t allowed to work, that aren t allowed to go to school right now. d to wtoin afghanistan, and you women struggling for basic rights and food and everything else in sudan to compare the plight of those women to the plight of the women in the united states . it s not just unfair to to us as a country. of it s unf
that the information that we ve seen is stunning. elon musk releaseds informationtion as he promised. it went from matt taibbi, the the the journalist. and it is a stunning array of content about what was going on behind the scenes. one of the things that stuck out to me, congressman, was james baker, james baker, who was the general counsel there dealing with assessment information at the fbi, highly controversial, is now over at twitter. and you see this array and this volley of tweets or emails that are going back and forth. they cannot figure out how to justify this type of suppression. so the i guess the question is , what can congress what can the oversight committee do and where are they going to go next? art with this will in januare jason , when i take your old position as chairman ofha the house oversight committee, i can promise you thisirmathe oe every employee at twitter who was involved in suppressing the hunter biden laptop story