el supremo. anthony: el supremo! gotta love it. anthony: a nearly two-hundred year succession of dictators began in 1811, when josé gaspar rodríguez de francia declared himself el supremo for life. de francia insisted paraguay become a mestizo, mixed-race society. mario: paraguayans are neither spanish nor indians. we are mestizos. anthony: yep. peter: el supremo forbid maritals between whites and whites; he produced the mestizos by force. anthony: today, ninety-five of paraguayans are of mixed spanish and guarani blood. mario: and we usually speak the two languages. anthony:right. this is central market? mario: mercado cuatro. anthony: cuatro? this is the big one? mario: the biggest one, the most popular one. anthony: i m hungry.
guido: yeah. el supremo. anthony: el supremo! gotta love it. anthony: a nearly two-hundred year succession of dictators began in 1811, when josé gaspar rodríguez de francia declared himself el supremo for life. de francia insisted paraguay become a mestizo, mixed-race society. mario: paraguayans are neither spanish nor indians. we are mestizos. anthony: yep. peter: el supremo forbid maritals between whites and whites; he produced the mestizos by force. anthony: today, ninety-five of paraguayans are of mixed spanish and guarani blood. mario: and we usually speak the two languages. anthony:right. this is central market? mario: mercado cuatro. anthony: cuatro? this is the big one? mario: the biggest one, the most popular one.
guarani, and i m, more or less, out. anthony: a proudly mestizo society. guido: yes. anthony: was it de francia? guido: yeah. el supremo. anthony: el supremo! gotta love it. anthony: a nearly two-hundred year succession of dictators began in 1811, when josé gaspar rodríguez de francia declared himself el supremo for life. de francia insisted paraguay become a mestizo, mixed-race society. mario: paraguayans are neither spanish nor indians. we are mestizos. anthony: yep. peter: el supremo forbid maritals between whites and whites; he produced the mestizos by force. anthony: today, ninety-five of paraguayans are of mixed spanish and guarani blood. mario: and we usually speak the two languages. anthony:right.
anthony: el supremo! gotta love it. anthony: a nearly two-hundred year succession of dictators began in 1811, when josé gaspar rodríguez de francia declared himself el supremo for life. de francia insisted paraguay become a mestizo, mixed-race society. mario: paraguayans are neither spanish nor indians. we are mestizos. anthony: yep. peter: el supremo forbid maritals between whites and whites; he produced the mestizos by force. anthony: today, ninety-five of paraguayans are of mixed spanish and guarani blood. mario: and we usually speak the two languages. anthony:right. this is central market? mario: mercado cuatro. anthony: cuatro? this is the big one? mario: the biggest one, the most popular one.
peter: they talk guarani automatically. i m married toa paraguayan woman, and when her father s coming, they automatically talk guarani, and i m, more or less, out. anthony: a proudly mestizo society. guido: yes. anthony: was it de francia? guido: yeah. el supremo. anthony: el supremo! gotta love it. anthony: a nearly two-hundred year succession of dictators began in 1811, when josé gaspar rodríguez de francia declared himself el supremo for life. de francia insisted paraguay become a mestizo, mixed-race society. mario: paraguayans are neither spanish nor indians. we are mestizos. anthony: yep. peter: el supremo forbid maritals between whites and whites; he produced the mestizos by force.