Bengaluru is experiencing an unusually hot summer, with temperatures reaching 38 degrees Celsius, the fourth hottest April day on record. The India Meteorological Department predicts partly cloudy skies from April 29 to May 3, with rain expected on May 2 and 3. The elevated temperatures are attributed to El Niño, anticyclone, and a ridgeline passing through certain latitudes.
Experts have indicated that the rise in daytime temperatures can be attributed to the weakening impact of El Niño, characterised by warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, often leading to elevated temperatures. Additionally, they mention the possibility of a neutral phase, signifying neither El Niño nor La Niña, emerging soon.
California Department of Water Resources data indicates the state’s snowpack following a series of storms that replenished crucial water supplies, but the totals still pale in comparison to 2023’s wet winter.
Winter in the Midwest typically means negative temperatures and plenty of snow. This year we re still seeing green grass and plenty of warm days in February and climate change and
If it weren’t for a Dec. 25 storm, much of South Dakota would not have had a white Christmas. The last month of 2023 was marked by record warm temperatures,