the entire law school. joining me now, victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the the hoover institution affiliated with stanford . victor, this is one ofted with the saddest and most infuriating moments i ve seen come out of higher education in education in stanford, one of the top schools in the nation, is it really now? i don t think it is this int th free fall. i mean, we expect thesstudeen io re tstudents we ve seen it befoe to be rude, to be vulgar and almost. if you looked at the placards when they attacked a federal rajudge,l ju but there werenisto four administrators, there are three did nothing. and as you pointedrs thre, d one appropriate at the podium and attacked the speaker, tried to stifle his first amendment these rights. and these are the guardians arheof the law, supposedly. and then when the law, dean, kind of played a very cautiouscs apology without any mention that any of these people would be punished. one hundred of them lined the corridors to intimidateme