, all women rushed to megacities in order to earn money and feed their children. It was a terrible time of endemic prostitution, and these women today, with such a psychology , gave birth to these daughters of theirs, and there is a great coincidence in this place, because you and i today we are talking about a generation of weakwilled people who did not respect their appearance, did not present their uniqueness to society, but are trying to adapt themselves to this society, these little girls are trying to fit themselves into their weakminded reference group. I want to be like some blogger who earns prostitution. I want to be like, uh, there is my girl from the third entrance, because yesterday she was put in an expensive car, apparently, the key to her success. These are just the most fashionable breast endoprostheses. There is a category of such society girls, uh, who go to all these parties, but they look alike like two peas in a pod. For some reason, for some reason, such lips are