My heart was racing, I had trouble breathing, the nurse suddenly looked like an ostrich; Unlike in Israel, in the Big Apple, anyone, whether depressed or just feeling like a trip, and willing to pay, can have Ketamine treatment; It used to be known as the 'horse anesthetic'; In a clinic covered in fury stuffed sloth dolls, I left my body and felt divine insights from songs on Spotify
Addiction is a difficult phenomenon affecting millions around the world but it's not always easy to get help, especially among certain population groups; Retorno, located in the countryside near Jerusalem, has become the go-to solution for Jewish patients not only from Israel but as far as New York, London and South America
Opinion: Under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida has transformed from a free state that attracted people of all races and colors to a stronghold of American conservatism, as Florida provides a frightening glimpse into the American dream, causing Trump to appear moderate.