An artificial intelligence benchmark group called MLCommons unveiled the results on Monday of new tests that determine how quickly top-of-the-line hardware can run AI models. A Nvidia Corp chip was the top performer in tests on a large language model, with a semiconductor produced by Intel Corp a close second. The new MLPerf benchmark is based on a large language model with 6 billion parameters that summarizes CNN news articles.
By Max A. Cherney (Reuters) - An artificial intelligence benchmark group called MLCommons unveiled the results on Monday of new tests that determine h.
HPC news and supercomputing information focused on emerging HPC applications in science, engineering, financial modeling, virtual reality, databases and other compute intensive tasks
HPC news and supercomputing information focused on emerging HPC applications in science, engineering, financial modeling, virtual reality, databases and other compute intensive tasks
HPC news and supercomputing information focused on emerging HPC applications in science, engineering, financial modeling, virtual reality, databases and other compute intensive tasks