Tradition which began with president theodore roosevelt. The great and the near great have addressed this audience. But tonight we welcome the man who history will record as preeminent among world lead evers in the hour of greatest need. [applause] the rapid success of communist aggression are millions of people were envelope behind the far reaching iron current. Have in mind the stalemate in north korea, the rampaging inflation in our homeland which was eating up the savings of the thrifty and traveling Free Enterprise economy. Here then is the man, trained in war, who will be acclaimed by future generations as the man who laid the foundations of peace. [applause] and more, he is our president , whom we love with a deep and abiding affection. [applause] welcome to the Commonwealth Club. Along with the staff at the Commonwealth Club, putting together all these online programs. We have done really dozens of them since the covid crisis began and its my great pleasure to introduce susan e
Television for serious readers. California, dwight d eisenhower, president of the United States of america. This location deserves unbroken a tradition which began with president theodore roosevelt, the great in the near great addressed this audience but tonight we welcome a man history will record among World Leaders in hours of greatest need. [applause] i have in mind communist aggression as millions of people behind the far reaching iron curtain. I have a mind of the utility and korea, facing inflation in our homeland, eating up the savings and traveling through our Free Enterprise economy. Here then is a man trained in war who will be acclaimed by future generations as the man who laid the foundations of peace. [applause] reporter and more, he is our president who we love with a deep and abiding affection. [applause] welcome, i am george hammond, chair of the humanities for which put together this program, along with the staff at commonwealth book club, putting together these onlin
And c. E. O. Of t w and associates as well as a regular contributor to china us focus dot com and we have James Bradley in new zealand he is a New York Times number one best selling author of china mirage as well as host of his own pod cast untold pacific right gentlemen across up rose in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it ok lets go to new zealand 1st james. China is mentioned over and over in this election cycle in the United States both parties like to differentiate themselves it seems like thats the message is the same in following this election and how china is. Objectified i would say what is the biggest misconception about china as its reported by the media. To begin to question it would take too many hours if were going to talk about misconceptions about china no i would make the case that with chinas population number one country in the world its the least understood country by americans fewer americans have been to china over the las
The bulk of the lecture is going to be presenting new evidence drawn from my research and others on the antebellum political culture. I have three major areas as evidence to talk about today. Tobacco culture, political friendships, and affairs of honor. Like we often do in the class, we are going to start with the image on the screen. Im going to ask you to tell me what you see. This is Lady Washingtons reception from 1861. Take it in. Who can point out something you see right away that strikes you . Lady washington is on a platform. Prof. Balcerski how high do you think she is . Off the ground . Like a foot. Prof. Balcerski thats a good piece there. What else . Everyone is dressed up fancy. Prof. Balcerski like you are today. Exactly. Very fancy. The ladies are wearing gowns. How about a third thing . Go ahead, jimmy. It looks like they are fairly close together. They may be dancing. They are all close together. Prof. Balcerski very good. I should say about Lady Washingtons reception,
Zealand he is a New York Times number one best selling author of china mirage as well as host of his own pod cast untold pacific right gentlemen across up rose in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it ok lets go to new zealand 1st james. China is mentioned over and over in this election cycle in the United States though both parties like to differentiate themselves it seems like its the message is the same in following this election and how china is. Objectified i would say what is the biggest misconception about china as its reported by the media. Too big of a question it would take too many hours if were going to talk about misconceptions about china no i would make the case that with chinas population number one country in the world its the least understood country by americans fewer americans have been that china over the last 400 years compared to going to europe but in terms of the election if i was president Trumps Campaign advisor this is