and thank you again for coming. i m going to turn the table over to mayor lee who is going to give some opening remarks. thank you. good afternoon everyone and welcome to our turk street emergency operations center. first of all i want to thank everybody. anybody wearing orange gets a special treat in my eyes today. anyway we re still celebrating and i never knew that wearing orange and the giants and sports will be so closely connected to what we do in emergency management but it is and it is for good reason because our city s success is really dependent upon inviting thousands more people here to enjoy our resources here in the city, to tax us a little bit on it, but this is what we do as a great international city. all of you have a very distinct role in all of this and it s my pleasure to begin telling you how proud i am and the months of september and particularly october have all been full of great events, and numerous events, and sometimes on schedules that while we