Having your child fall ill must be a parent's worst nightmare. Local actor-host Marcus Chin's daughter Elise was admitted into a hospital in Johor Bahru recently after her mother, Eileen Cheah, noticed her having frequent nosebleeds, up to two to three times a day. Cheah told Shin Min Daily News in an interview yesterday (March 28) that doctors revealed that.
Marcus Chin is at the age to retire but he's got no interest in doing so. In an interview with Shin Min Daily News yesterday (Oct 5), the 69-year-old veteran actor-getai performer revealed that he has bought an apartment in a retirement village situated in Johor. However, Marcus said: "I'm not rich, how can I retire? Unless I'm dying, I'll.
Singapore News - He hasn’t seen his daughter in 2½ years, and doesn’t speak to her much, but veteran local entertainer Marcus Chin hasn’t forgotten her birthday. His daughter Elise, who lives in Johor Baru with her mother, is turning 12 this month, and Chin plans to visit them, with. Read more at www.tnp.sg
Veteran local entertainer Marcus Chin will finally be reuniting with his daughter after two and a half years, when he goes over to Johor Bahru (JB) later this month to celebrate her 12th birthday. Marcus is separated from his daughter's mother Eileen Cheah, his former personal assistant who's 32 years his junior. The pair broke up a year after their.
Local veteran entertainer Marcus Chin may have had some lady troubles in the past, but it looks like love is in the air once again for the 68-year-old. The Love 972 DJ hinted that he has someone in his life during his acceptance speech at Star Awards last night (April 24), after he won a spot in this year's Top.