so what the heck is everyone moving? well, one of the most popular places to relocate fromce high tax blue states is without florida, whichn saw its population increase by two hundred and eleven thousand between july1, 20 and july 2020 one . . and by the way, it s not just people moving of the five point eight million new businesses and the applications up between january 21 and january 2020 two, a stunning 12% were right here in florida. now with these numbers, it s non wonder that florida governor rhonda stantis is way up in the polls in his and reelection race. and nationwide, he s building a profile and an impressive fundraising operation with all the above all those things we just talk about liberal governors with ambitions for national office, have the knives out for him, including that walking pile of hair gel. gavin newsom. ff although he easily defeated a recall effort, his statete is reeling from high crime underperforming schools, a glut of illegal aliens, a water
have occurred in the lastey 18 months we ve moved that wasov joe biden s first sit downed interview in one hundred and eighteen days. and despite a flurry of well, nothing but softball questions from a democratic activist pretending to be a late nighted comedian, biden still struggleia to communicate he could barelyy get words out. he had noo answersword for the economic problems we are a lot worset got today. now inflation is up yet again to an all new forty one year high, eight point six percent. the the cost of food is up ten point one percent. o the cost of housing 70%f rent is up in some places as high as 20 percent. household energy bills are up a whopping nineteen point one percent. and meanwhile the average cost for a gallon off gas has nowd more than doubled since biden took over as president. now over five dollars a gallonev nationwide for the first time ever. remember when he first became president on day one you were only paying two dollars and thirty nine cents f
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