fumes committee and to the oil industry s grand strategy to combine science with public relations to constantly delay action on a range of air pollution measures that began with smog but soon expanded to include sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide the main driver of climate change. the smoke and fumes committee had one main goal to forestall any attempt to legislate against pollution its president vance jenkins made this unmistakably clear in one thousand nine hundred fifty four. the worst thing that can happen in many instances is the passage of a law or laws for the control of a given air pollution situation. big oil began assembling a network company supported colleges and think tanks like the stanford research institute was donations they returned the favor with specific studies studies like the robinson report which returned unsavory results were revised. forty years later
situation as well as the fossil fuel emanation theory this device was delivered to the oil industry at its very top levels and we can prove that we can prove that high level executives in all of the companies solve this before. so one nine hundred sixty eight the robinson report was already warning the oil industry that vehicle exhaust was probably driving global warming. what did you do when you voted for him and the answer is that they immediately asked the sanford research institute to go back and check its work they didn t like these conclusions so they said try again they tried to deny and in reporting to the government they began cherry picking. and highlighting only the passages out of this report that talked about the uncertainties not about the reality this is a story we ll see over and over again with the oil industry so that the doubt
i said if your. lawyer carol moffatt works for an environmentalist nongovernmental organization. he shows us studies related to possible climate change and its effects back in one nine hundred fifty seven the brennan report examined the effects of vehicle exhaust on our atmosphere it was commissioned by exxon mobil. and the one nine hundred sixty eight robinson report conducted by the stanford institute and commissioned by the american petroleum institute and industry federation we have it there in black and white here are a few things that they said about carbon dioxide if c o two levels continue to rise at present rates it is likely that noticeable increases in temperature could occur however there seems to be no doubt that the potential damage to our environment could be severe although there are other possible sources for the additional c o two now being observed in the. atmosphere none seems to fit the presently observed