community will not speak up an speak out. so honestly one of the biggest things you can do is whateve these laws, before state legislatures are city councils what have you, it s actually t make your voice heard. because they believe they coul have these votes without political cost that is why they are takin them but way to stop them is to sho that is not the case also, to have segments lik this i mean, that more that hypocrisy and the hollowness and the callousness of these laws are exposed, the better for the health of ou democracy. nobody could have said it better than you. thank you, imara jones, fo joining us this morning. we re going to continue to put a spotlight on these issues, because this is one of many la being propagated across th u.s. i appreciate you being here. thank you. thank you and i want to thank all o you for joining me thi morning. i ll be back here tomorrow a eight a.m., where i will welcome angelo caruso, chairma and president of media matters we ll talk