Nationalist Congress Party's (NCP) state president and Raigad Lok Sabha candidate for Mahayuti Sunil Tatkare on Saturday expressed confidence that their minority community's vote count will be higher than in the 2019 elections."Today, .
Salman Khan announced the film s title on Instagram on April 11 and shared its poster with the caption, "Iss Eid Bade Miyan Chote Miyan aur Maidaan ko dekho aur agli Eid Sikandar se aa kar Milo (Watch Bade Miyan Chote Miyan and Maidaan on this Eid, next Eid, meet Sikandar) Wish u all Eid Mubarak!"
Sumbul Touqeer celebrated Eid with a house party. Cast of her show Imlie, Kavya: Ek Jazbaa and Ek Junoon and contestant of Bigg Boss 17 attended the party.
PATERSON, N.J. (PIX11) — At Paterson’s public Eid celebration, there was Middle Eastern music pumping out of the loudspeakers, ice cream being served out of a truck rented for the occasion, and halal meals coming out in rapid succession from a food truck. Kids played in a bouncy house, as a pint-sized train ferried other […]