pageant crack wasn t enough to keep her alert all day. so they turned to the go-go juice. she says the sugar highs and caffeine fixes are a staple on the pageant circuit. it doesn t refer to hey, we re giving our kids drugs. there s normal people every day that give their kids this. why is it such a big issue with us pageant moms that do it on a weekend to keep our kids energized and awake? reporter: but according to a 2011 report from the american academy of pediatrics, too much caffeine for a young child can lead to neurological and cardiovascular problems. june claims alana is a well-addusted, active 6-year-old who normally eats healthy and is always on the move when she s not competing. so she gave us a glimpse into her life far away from the glitz and glamour with some good old mud bogging. hmm. maybe i asked a few too many
questions about the go-go juice. andrea canning, abc news, new york. and of course, folks, we had to try it for ourselves. we mixed up a little red bull and mountain dew. the wnn go juice go-go juice right here. go-go juice. i don t think it tastes that bad. do i think a little girl should be drinking it with all that sugar and that caffeine for her young body and young heart? no. and then to grow up and end up looking like her mother, who clearly has a weight problem as well, that s a bad role model for your little girl. that story s disturbing on a lot of levels. get out of the mud and get to the gym. stop living vicariously through your daughter as well. amen. morning papers is next. oh, no, it s not. another story is coming up after the break. too much go-go juice. see, the juice hit hard. we ll be back. public display of affection. see, the juice hit hard. we ll be back. ibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibi
for some reason, she can t get herself together. i like how she s boozing, drinking the pixie sticks. apparently, this is the worst-kept secret in the pageant world. they re called pageant crack. you heard right, they call it pageant crack. moms, calling it pageant crack. that doesn t seem to work for everyone, like this woman s 6-year-old daughter. we went 15 bags on one pageant. it don t do anything for her. so having failed with the 15 bags of pixie sticks, mom had no choice but to go for the hard stuff. it s a special juice. whatever, it looks like mountain dew. a lot of pageant moms and people know what the special juice is. it s to help energize her. drink, drink, drink. two big gulps. she drinks it for pagents to give her the extra oomph. let s look at what go go
herself together. i like how she s boozing, drinking the pixie sticks. drinking the pixie sticks. apparently, this is the worst-kept secret in the pageant world. they re called pageant crack. you heard right, they call it pageant crack. moms, calling it pageant crack. that doesn t seem to work for everyone, like this woman s 6-year-old daughter. we went 15 bags on one pageant. it don t do anything for her. so having failed with the 15 bags of pixie sticks, mom had no choice but to go for the hard stuff. it s a special juice. whatever, it looks like mountain dew. a lot of pageant moms and people know what the special juice is. it s to help energize her. drink, drink, drink. two big gulps. she drinks it for pagents to give her the extra oomph. let s look at what go go
nicole and;s, her friend ron goldman. police found the bodies on the morning of the 13th. it was after midnight. when they got there, the scene was horrific. there was nicole with her throat slashed. she was nearly beheaded. and ron goldman was lying in the little garden right next to her. and he had been stabbed to death. linda deutsche is a special correspondentp::> for the associated press and covered the oj simpson trial from the very beginning. on the day when he ran they stood by the freeways with signs that said go juice. they wanted him to try and this. after giving himself up, simpson was arrested for the murders. he assembled a so-called dream team of defense lawyers. the testimony began on january 24th, 1995. what you have here is a trail of blood from bundy drive to rockingham avenue and into the defendant s very bedroom.